Shaker Cabinet Finishes 10'x10' Kitchen $1350

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shaker cabinet finishes
shaker cabinet finishes 10x10 kitchen $1350. Cabinets finished with SHERWIN-WILLIAMS. Solid wood door Plywood construction. shaker cabinet finishes factory direct price

10x10 kitchen $1350

Shaker Cabinet Finishes - An Overview

Shaker cabinet finishes are a design process, like any other type of home improvement project. The basic principles of a good cabinet design remain the same whether the work is for cabinet hardware or other components. A shaker cabinet design will not look good, or function well, without the following basic principles applied.

Cabinets, such as those used in the shaker style, should be free from unnecessary clutter. Nothing detracts from the intended appearance of a furniture piece more than an excess of unnecessary items and accessories crammed in the space available for storage. Furniture items that are too large also make the piece appear larger than it really is. No amount of decoration can make up for an uneven surface or wall.

Inefficient use of the available space is another important design rule. A solid wall or ceiling surface will create a much more imposing appearance than a sparsely painted surface. A sparsely decorated room will appear uncomfortable to visitors and guests alike, if it does not feel open and inviting.

The most important shaker cabinet design rule is to utilize only the available space. Shrinkage of space at the bottom of the cabinet may be important if it provides access to drawers or cabinets below, but it detracts from the overall appearance. When cabinets are too deep or wide, they become a problem, because a tight and compact cabinet is considered to be less attractive than one that looks roomy.

Another important shaker cabinet design rule is to remember that the depth of the doors should be directly proportional to the depth of the cabinets below them. A deep cabinet is the antithesis of a roomy, open cabinet. For example, if the bottom of the cabinet is six inches deep, a door of three inches width is not a useful design element.

One very common mistake is to fill the cabinet space with filler materials. Since a cabinet is an area that cannot be completely flat, this is not a smart idea. These materials will make the area look crowded and can often do serious damage to the overall appearance of the cabinets.

Shaker cabinet finishes will work best when all cabinet hardware is in place. If cabinets are not installed correctly, they will appear like a mess. Unfortunately, a shaker cabinet with no hardware on the doors is a waste of time and money. One of the most common mistakes made by shaker cabinet owners is to install doors without realizing that they need to remove the handle and leave it exposed for clearance purposes.

Trim the cabinet handles in accordance with shaker cabinet designs. Since shakers were originally built as handcrafted cabinetry, their furniture should be free of frays, tears and dents. This allows the furniture to be worn and to reveal the handcrafted quality of the wood that was used in the construction. Therefore, trim the handles so that they are square and free of jagged edges, and will not chip or crack.

Other shaker cabinet designs make use of an antiqued or polished finish on cabinet doors. Even though these finishes are very common on many shaker pieces, they can add an attractive finish to a shaker cabinet that should not be used. Although some people have been known to use these finishes without thinking about how they would look on the piece, these finishes will take away from the finish and strength of the piece and will degrade the appearance of the cabinet quickly.

A shaker cabinet door, and shaker door stops are among the most fragile areas of a cabinet. Avoid splintering these by using heavy-duty plastic. Plastic makes the pieces both lighter and less likely to split while they are being worked on.

A shaker cabinet, or other type of furniture, should be kept clean and free of dirt. Cleaning furniture frequently prevents unsightly buildup of dust, dirt and grime. The trick is to wear clothing that is light and comfortable, and use a broom and vacuum cleaner to keep dust particles from accumulating.

Shaker cabinet finishes will make a shaker cabinet a beautiful addition to a home, but they will also make it more pleasing to the eye and functional. . Shaker cabinet finishes will add beauty and elegance to any Shaker home and are an affordable way to design your own home.