Refrigerator Cabinet Height 10'x10' Kitchen $1350

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refrigerator cabinet height
refrigerator cabinet height 10x10 kitchen $1350. Cabinets finished with SHERWIN-WILLIAMS. Solid wood door Plywood construction. refrigerator cabinet height factory direct price

10x10 kitchen $1350

Refrigerator Cabinet Height - More Than Just Style

Refrigerator cabinet height is a major factor in the appearance of your kitchen. It is the first place that customers will look to find out about you and it can be one of the most important aspects of your overall decorating.

Refrigerator height does not just refer to the height of the cabinet itself, but also the door itself. The refrigerator door should fit securely into the cabinet. This is an area where you really have to pay attention because even a small gap can create visual issues for customers and make your refrigerator look unprofessional.

While some people tend to buy doors that are too long or too short, this is not something that can be controlled, even by choosing the right cabinet height. You can always measure the width of your refrigerator and work backwards to figure out the distance from the bottom of the door to the top of the cabinet before you purchase your new doors.

Kitchen cabinets are made in a wide variety of materials and each has its own particular design. For instance, wooden cabinets are heavier than plastic, but they cost more up front to maintain. Plastic or aluminum cabinets are easier to clean but tend to attract stains easier than wood.

Kitchen cabinets are usually spaced at 18 inches from one end to the other. If the distance between them is smaller, it is most likely that people will be able to see the door from the inside of the refrigerator. To avoid this, you should pick a door that is close to this spacing.

Refrigerator height is most affected by how high the refrigerator pulls out of the cabinet. If you have an older refrigerator, you might want to make sure you get one with a taller door. But if you have a newer model that has an open top, this can cause the door to hit the top of the refrigerator itself, which may not give the appearance of a shorter door.

Another aspect of refrigerator height is the width of the door itself. Some doors have a shallow, rounded lip that you can slide the door into. This makes the door appear wider.

Choose a good manufacturer who will offer you plenty of options, including designs that allow you to simply pull the door right in. It is not necessary to create a special feature in your door to do this.

A door with an uncovered lip is a safe bet, but you should not put your hands in the interior of a metal door unless it is all the way closed. You may be tempted to use a dry-erase board or note your measurements on a piece of paper so that you don't make a mistake. But doing this will create an unprofessional look that cannot be fixed once the fridge is installed.

While style is certainly an important factor, there is an aesthetic value to refrigerator height. Customers will naturally focus on what is on the inside of a refrigerator and will overlook its size and design. If your refrigerator is taller than the rest, it will look smaller and feel out of place.

Aesthetics can often be an excellent way to improve kitchen functionality. If you are concerned with making your kitchen look better than it already is, then increasing the height of your refrigerator is a great idea.

Just as an added bonus, there is no additional cost to the homeowner if they choose to install a freezer height and see their energy bills decrease. Just like other types of insulation, the refrigerator will help reduce your energy bill, while providing another benefit.